this past weekend for a fabulous workshop with gera scott chandler -- that is gera third from
the right--who taught us to make her secretive women -- lidded vessels that are truly works of
it was an amazing time, and the ultimate kudos to gera. for me the astounding aspect
was that everyone's vessels turned out so uniquely individual, even tho we were all
following the same basic instructions...
WOW! so here are some of the results of the weekend's work --- more will follow in the coming days, so keep your eyes here for more terrific work by a super group of clayers!

astounded us all with her wonderful natural affinity for working with polymer...
it was truly a weekend worth a whole memory book, however, i cannot post it all in one blog!
as well, it could truly be a three day workshop, especially if there were more than the nine we had here at beeks lane studio. one large 30 inch oven and a toaster oven were scarely big enough in the firing/baking department! all these vessels are at least 12 inches tall, some more.
all in all though, i must again toot the horn for gera, amazingly talented artist and super instructor. come back tomorrow for more photos of these amazing results!
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