Monday, October 29, 2007

The end of the day. . .

this morning saw a very heavy frost here, but even tho it is somewhat bleak and washed out color, there is something wonderful about a frosty morning...

the geese and ducks are back. they stop by here every spring and fall on their migrations northward and southward... altho i had a pair of canada geese nest here all summer and even rear young. this morning i counted 23 and here is a photo of some of them.

i also counted 31 little hooded mergansers... i call them my bob hope ducks because they have ski jump beaks... they are small and adorable and feisty as well... and have huge white ruffs on the sides of their heads, which they can make very large when courting!
i only wish my camera could take better close ups...

if the morning was washed out color, then this sunset surely made up for it....

i am blessed to live in such a beautiful place... this i see from my living room window..... thank you mother earth

1 comment:

Beadcomber said...

gosh, Iggy, I envy your tranquil....